JABAR - Acting Governor of West Java (Jabar), Bey T Machmudin, said that the new Acting Mayor (Walkot) Cimahi to replace Dikdik Suratno Nugrahawan will be sworn in on October 22, 2023.
"For the Acting Mayor of Cimahi (new), on October 22, 2023, the inauguration will be held, but I have not seen and received the letter," he said at Gedung Sate Bandung, Tuesday, October 17, which was confiscated by Antara.
Regarding the position of acting regional head, he said, there are several aspects that must be held accountable and will be an evaluation material for the person who occupies it.
"Yesterday, Mr. Tito Karnavian (Mendagri) said that the issue of inflation, growth stunting, then job opportunities, became an evaluation material," he said.
Previously, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, did not extend Nugrahawan's term of office, because he was considered unable to solve the inflation problem in his area during the 2023 inflation control coordination meeting in Jakarta, Monday 9 October.
He himself accepted the decision on the term of office that Karnavian did not extend. "On this decision (does not extend), it does not stop us from continuing to perform well, all services are running as usual," he said some time ago.
However, regarding his removal from that position, he denied this because he admitted that he had not received a decree (SK) from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Furthermore, he said his tenure would end on October 22, 2023.
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