
JAKARTA - The National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar President assessed that the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the requirements for presidential and vice-presidential candidates could cause obstacles ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Moreover, the registration stage will be opened on October 19 or three days.

"The remaining three days are left, yes, for the registration of the presidential candidate. Well, of course this is something that makes the technical implementation even more difficult," said TPN spokesman GP Tama S. Langkun at a press conference at the TPN GP Media Center, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, October 16.

Tama membenarkan norm baru yang diambah harus sekala dijalankan. Namun secara teknis ini juga akan menimbulkan kendala, tegasnya.

Meanwhile, TPN GP spokesman Cyril hakim or Chico Hakim assessed that the Constitutional Court's decision could not just apply. This is because the institution does not have a legislative function.

Even if you want the new norms to be implemented immediately, changes or revisions to the Election Law must be made, according to Chico.

"The DPR and the joint government must revise the Election Law according to the Constitutional Court's decision," he said on the same occasion.

As previously reported, the Constitutional Court granted a judicial review lawsuit Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections concerning the age limit of presidential-vice presidential candidates aged at least 40 years which was proposed by a UNS student named Almas Tsaqibbirru Re A. Perkara Number 90/PUU-XI/2023 which Almas requested asked the Constitutional Court to change the nomination requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates to the lowest age 40 years or experienced as regional heads, both at the provincial and district/city levels. "To try, grant the petitioner's application for part," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman when reading the verdict in the courtroom of the Constitutional Court building, Central Jakarta, Monday, October 16. In its conclusion, the applicant has the legal standing to apply for a quo. Then, the petitioner's application is reasonable according to the law for part. "Declare Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (State of the Republic of Indonesia of 2017 Number 182, Supplement of the State of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6109) which states, "the lowest age is 40 years contrary to the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 and has no binding legal force, as long as it is not interpreted as "the lowest age 40 years or has been / is in office chosen through general elections including regional head elections," said Anwar Usman.," he continued.

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