
LOMBOK - Human resource development is one of the focuses of reading the 2024 President, Ganjar Pranowo. To make this happen, Ganjar invites all elements of society, including Islamic boarding schools, to be involved.

This was conveyed by Ganjar when he visited a number of Islamic boarding schools in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Sunday, October 15. Together with Mr. Guru Bajang (TGB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi, Ganjar visited Nurul Muhsinin Islamic Boarding School and Darul Habibi NWDI Islamic Boarding School.

In the two Islamic boarding schools, Ganjar discussed with the Masters of Hajj Teachers, scholars and the NTB community regarding education. Ganjar and the NTB scholars agreed to realize superior human resources to deal with demographic bonuses.

"We will face a demographic bonus in 2045. The bonus can be profitable if we manage it well, but it could be a disaster if it is not managed properly. One way to manage it is to prepare superior human resources, and that is through education," said Ganjar.

Education continued by the former Governor of Central Java for two periods is not only in formal schools. Islamic boarding schools also have a very important role to play in realizing it.

Through education in Islamic boarding schools, the nation's next generation can become intellectually, emotionally and spiritually intelligent people. Apart from being smart, they also have good etiquette and character skills.

"When we are only 13 years away. If we fail, then we will not get demographic dividends. So let's learn our children have great knowledge. Islamic boarding schools can take a role for that," he explained.

What Ganjar said received a positive response from the Islamic boarding school. The caretaker of Nurul Muhsinin Islamic Boarding School, Tuan Guru Haji Daud Muhsin, said that what Ganjar said was a form of concern for the pesantren world.

"We believe that Pak Ganjar can make that happen, making people prosperous and trustworthy for Indonesia in the future," he explained.

The same thing was conveyed by the caretaker of the Darul Habibi NWDI Islamic Boarding School, Tuan Guru Haji Ahmad Tantowi. In his remarks, TGH Tantowi said, Ganjar was serious about developing human resources and cooperating with Islamic boarding schools because he was a student family.

"Mr. Ganjar's wife is the grandson of a big kyai in Purbalingga named Kyai Hisyam Kalijaran. So she is the grandson and son of a kyai who owns a boarding school. She is a student, so she is close to the Islamic boarding school," he said.

He also agreed with Ganjar that Islamic boarding schools must be a supporter in educating the nation's children. Not only religious knowledge, but also other general sciences.

"Kami Ponpes Darul Habibi ini tergabung dalam Nahdlatul Watan Diniyah Islamiyah. Jadi kami juga mengembangkan sekolah umum selain kegiatan mengaji, untuk menyiapkan santri yang intelektual, spiritual dan emosi generasi kita," pungkasnya.

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