A total of eight houses were burned to the ground in Manurure Village, Ulaweng District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, which claimed one person.
The Head of the Ulaweng Police, Bone Iptu Hasanuddin, said the fire broke out on Jalan Budi Utomo, Jalan Gotong Royong and Jalan Manurunge, Manurunge Village, Ulaweng Bone District.
"Eight housing units caught fire in this incident and were estimated to have lost around Rp. 1 billion," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 12.
Not only that, a resident was reported to be a victim in the fire incident. The victim, on behalf of Luspiana bin Indar Dewi, is a disabled person.
"(Lusspiana bin Indar Dewi) is sleeping at Misna Kube's house which was also burned to the ground," said Hasanuddin.
Until now, it is not known the cause of the fire. However, the fire has been extinguished by four units of the Bone Regency Government Fire Department with the assistance of one unit of the BPBD Bone tank car and the surrounding community.
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