RIAU - Eleven people from various Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) testified in a follow-up hearing on the alleged corruption of the inactive Regent of Meranti Islands, Muhammad Adil, which was held today.
The witnesses claimed to have given a sum of 10 percent of the money cut from the search for Inventory Money (UP). One of them is the Treasurer of the Expenditure of the Meranti Tourism, Youth and Sports Office, Eko Mahendra.
Eko admitted that he gave Rp70 million directly at Adil's official residence, which was said to be Adil's departure and in addition, Rp30 million was also handed over through Adil's aide.
Furthermore, the Acting Head of the Village Development Office, Sukirno, also admitted that at the beginning of his term of office an envelope containing Rp. 50 million was given directly to Adil.
The “Money is in an envelope. He said IDR 50 million and I didn't count it again. I immediately gave it to the Regent at his official residence without me taking it home, ” explained Sukirno at the Pekanbaru District Court (PN), Riau, Wednesday, October 11, which was confiscated by Antara.
Not only that, the Treasurer of the Meranti Islands Library Service, Tengku Ahmad, also admitted to giving Rp40 million. He, who is also in the same position, said that he would give Rp20 million in 2022.
"At that time I was confused about the accountability letter (SPJ)? Pak Sukirno said he was good at SPJ. Just play it,” he said.
It is known that Adil was charged by the KPK prosecutor for three corruption cases in 2022 to 2023. The act was in collaboration with the Head of the Meranti Islands Regional Finance and Asset Management Agency, Fitria Nengsih, and the Riau Examination Agency audit, M Fahmi Aressa.
The three cases are budget cuts as if they were debts to state officials or representing them for the 2022 to 2023 fiscal years. The total received by the defendant was IDR 17,280,222,003.8.
Then the TPK received a fee for Umrah travel services, and the alleged corruption in the provision of bribes to consolidate financial audits in 2022 within the Meranti Islands Regency Government.
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