
The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) and the Fire Department (Damkar) of Purworejo Regency have brought order to the socialization demonstration tool (APS) for the 2024 election campaign. The APS that is brought under control violates the provisions.

This provision is in accordance with Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 3 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Reclames. This activity is carried out for three days on 9-11 October 2023.

"We carried out this control together with a team consisting of Satpol PP and Damkar, DPMPTSP, DPUPR, DINLHP, BPKPAD, and Bawaslu. We carried out this control as a form of commitment to enforce applicable regulations and create a more regular and aesthetic environment," said Head of Satpol PP and Damkar Budi Wibowo in Purworejo, Central Java, Tuesday, October 10, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that this control action was an important step in creating order, beauty, and cleanliness in the implementation of billboards in the Purworejo Regency area.

According to him, this activity is not only controlling APS but also other billboards that are not licensed, do not pay taxes, the expiration of the validity period or the wrong billboard in placement.

Bawaslu member of Purworejo Regency Siti Daniatus Solikhah added that previously Bawaslu had given a letter of continuation of the results of supervision of other alleged violations of the law to Satpol PP regarding the large number of socialization props from political parties and prospective legislative candidates participating in the 2024 General Election who were suspected of violating Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2017.

"We have sent letters to Satpol PP and Damkar some time ago and now it has been followed up. According to our data, there are 701 APS suspected of violating regional regulations spread throughout the Purworejo area. We have given this data to Satpol PP," he said.

He conveyed that controlling the socialization props was a concrete step in maintaining order and compliance with regulations in Purworejo Regency and increasing awareness of the importance of permits in the installation of socialization props.

Through this action, he said, it is hoped that the Purworejo Regency area can be more regular, beautiful, and clean in organizing billboards.

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