
MALUKU - Maluku High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) arrested Raynold Maspaitella, a drug convict who was on the People's Wanted List (DPO). The arrests were made in the Karang Panjang area, Sirimau District, Ambon City, Maluku.

"The arrest of Raynold by the Tabur Kejati team was led by Hasan Tahir and the person concerned did not fight back when he was arrested," said Head of Penkum and Public Relations of the Maluku Attorney General's Office Wahyudi Kareba in Ambon, Monday, October 9, confiscated by Antara.

Previously, in the appeal-level court, the defendant Raynold Maspaitella was sentenced to 1.5 years in prison. The Public Prosecutor (JPU) did not accept the judge's verdict against the defendant, which did not reach a minimum of the demand for an appeal at the Supreme Court (MA).

However, the Supreme Court rejected the prosecutor's appeal and strengthened the appeal-level decision against the defendant Raynold Maspaitella. This is stated in the Supreme Court's decision Number 3466 K/Pid.Sus/2022 dated July 28, 2022.

In that decision, in addition to the prison sentence, the defendant was also asked to pay the court fee at the cassation level of Rp. 2,500.

However, after the Supreme Court's decision was issued, the convict Raynold Maspaitella fled. The Maluku Attorney General's Office then designated him as a DPO.

Raynold was finally arrested and immediately executed.

"This prosecutor's DPO was arrested at his home and immediately taken to the Class IIA Ambon Rutan to be executed based on an order for the implementation of the Court's Decision at the Ambon Kejari cassation level," he said.

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