
JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR Didik Mukriyanto highlighted a viral photo showing the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) meeting with former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo in the badminton field amid a case of alleged corruption within the Ministry of Agriculture.

Didik asked the public to supervise so that the photo does not become a counterattack against corruptors.

Didik explained that the law and SOPs and the KPK code of ethics stated that commissioners, officials and KPK employees should not be in contact with suspects, potential suspects, and witnesses for cases being handled by anti-corruption agencies.

"In Article 36 of the KPK Law, it is regulated that the commissioners, or officials at the KPK hold meetings, and talks with someone who is part of the object of corruption investigation by the KPK," Didik told reporters, Monday, October 9.

Didik continued, Article 36 Paragraph (1) of the KPK Law states 'KPK leaders are prohibited from having direct or indirect relationships with suspects or other parties related to corruption cases handled by the KPK for any reason'.

Meanwhile, Article 5 Paragraph 1 of the Corruption Eradication Commission (Perkom) regulation number 5 of 2019 concerning the Management of Conflicts of Interest in the KPK also regulates that every member of the KPK is prohibited from issuing policies, decisions and/or taking actions that are motivated by conflicts of interest.

Meanwhile, Article 5 Paragraph (2) letter k states that the prohibition as stipulated in Article 5 Paragraph (1) occurs in the case that KPK personnel have direct or indirect relationships with suspects or other parties related to corruption cases handled by the KPK without valid reasons.

"And there are a number of other rules regarding the potential conflict of interest regulated in Perkom number 7 of 2013 concerning Personal Basic Values, KPK Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct," explained Didik.

On that basis, Didik assessed that if a real violation of these provisions was found, it must be followed up according to the applicable mechanisms and rules, including from the Supervisory Board.

"However, what also needs to be anticipated is that there should not be a counterattack from corruptors who want to obscure their cases," said Didik reminded.

Therefore, the Democratic legislator asked the public to continue to monitor and actively participate in law enforcement regardless and against anyone. According to Didik, there is nothing to worry about as long as law enforcement can be carried out independently, transparently and accountably.

"Basically, every citizen has the same position before the law. No one is untouchable or untouched by the law. That is the constitutional guarantee," said Didik.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri confirmed that he had played badminton with Syahrul. However, Firli said the meeting did not violate the rules at the KPK.

Because, he said, the investigation into the corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture which dragged Syahrul's name began in January 2023. Meanwhile, the meeting between him and Syahrul took place on March 2, 2022.

"The meeting in the badminton field between me and the Minister of Agriculture at that time Brother Syahrul Yasin Limpo occurred before the period (investigation)," Firli said in a written statement, Monday, October 9.

Firli also mentioned the possibility of a counterattack by a corruptor. He asked the public not to be provoked by opinions.

"It is very possible for corruptors to unite to carry out attacks," he said.

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