
JAKARTA The executive director of Indonesian Political Indicators, Burhanuddin Muhtadi, expressed that the support for the mass base of the National Awakening Party (PKB) to Prabowo Subianto was still bigger than Anies Baswedan.

According to him, this can be read from the research results of the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) on the president's choice according to party choices. When the PKB elite decided to join the Change Coalition and Muhaimin Iskandar was declared a candidate for vice president, the PKB mass base which still supports Prabowo showed a figure of 47.4 percent.

"Meanwhile, those who support Anies Baswedan are only 28.2 percent," said Burhan in his statement, Saturday, October 7.

He compared the transfer of support after the PKB political party elite decided to switch coalitions with the Democratic Party. From LSI data, continued Burhan, the PD mass base that still supports Anies is only 16.8 percent.

Meanwhile, those who supported Prabowo Subianto reached 70.2 percent after the PD elite stated that they would join and support the nomination of the General Chair of the Gerindra Party in the 2024 presidential election.

"So, when the PD elite moved from Anies to Prabowo, their mass base responded more quickly, or perpendicularly to the party elite's decision," added Burhan.

This FISIP UIN lecturer, Syarif Hidayatullah, assessed that there was a different pattern between the two political parties that carried out the transfer of support. For PKB, which initially supported Prabowo and then moved to the Change Coalition, and the Democrats who supported Anies then switched to Prabowo had differences in the mass base.

"So I call the pattern different because the Democrat base moves on faster, while the PKB basis does not necessarily choose Anies Baswedan, even though Muhaimin is Anies' companion. Maybe one of the causes is PKB longer with Prabowo than Anies," concluded Burhanuddin Muhtadi.

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