
JAKARTA - Hundreds of people died in Zimbabwe due to the vaccine outbreak according to the country's Ministry of Health. A total of 905 cases of acquainted were confirmed on Wednesday, October 4. Meanwhile, 4,609 other cases were recorded as suspected cases. The Ministry of Health of Zimbabwe has confirmed that 30 people died from acquainted after undergoing laboratory examinations. Since last month Zimbabwe has recorded more than 5,000 cases ofrices. This condition forced the government of this country to impose restrictions such as limiting the number of people in the cemetery. Quoted from Anadolu via Antara, Friday, October 6, Zimbabwe also prohibits social gatherings in areas that are feared to accelerate the spread of diseases such as Manicaland and Masvingo Provinces. Bad Sanitation and scarcity of clean water causeai epidemics that often hit Zimbabwe. Many residents, especially in urban areas, have not had access to clean water for months.
In 2008, more than 4,000 Zimbabweans were killed by the outbreak.

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