JAKARTA - Rumors circulated that the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) would meet President Joko Widodo to resign from his position. In response to this, Jokowi did not want to assume before the meeting. "Don't assume, please," said Jokowi after attending the commemoration of the TNI's 78th Anniversary at the National Monument, Thursday, October 5. Jokowi admitted that he had received information that Syahrul had arrived in Indonesia through a report from the Ministry of State Secretariat. Regarding the news that Syahrul Yasin Limpo would be facing himself on Thursday afternoon at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Jokowi admitted that he had not received the information. He again asked reporters to ask directly to the State Secretariat whether there was a meeting schedule. "Not yet known. Don't know yet. Ask Setneg whether the clock was set, (whe) has set the time. If I haven't, haven't (known)," Jokowi replied. Jokowi also asked the media crew not to assume the news that Syahrul Yasin Limpo would face Jokowi to resign himself from the position of minister. Syahrul Yasin Limpo finally arrived in the Land of the Country from Europe on Wednesday, October 4 after it was reported missing. News of NasDem politicians could not be reached initially submitted by Deputy Minister of Agriculture Harvick Hasnul Qolbi.KPK has raised the status of investigation of alleged corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture to investigation. There are already suspects who have not been specified but have not been detailed yet. However, information circulated by the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Secretary General of Ministry of Kasdi Subagyono, and Director of Agricul Agricultural Tools Muhammad Hatta were dragged into this case. KPK said there were three clusters of alleged corruption handled by investigators. The details are job extortion, gratification, and allegations of money laundering (TPPU). Antirasuah Cooperation has already conducted a search. At the official residence of Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo investigators found money worth Rp30 billion consisting of Rp30 billion and foreign weapons
Most recently, investigators also visited Hatta's house in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. From the forced effort, Rp400 million was found. The findings obtained from the search are now being analyzed and confiscation will be carried out. Meanwhile, related to the findings, firearms were handed over to the police for follow-up.
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