
JAKARTA - Lawyer Donal Fariz confirmed that he would attend the recall as a witness to be scheduled by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). He is ready to provide information regarding the alleged corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) which is being investigated.

If there is another call, I make sure it comes to the process. This is part of the process of helping law enforcement and there are no worries. So why should I not come," Donal told VOI quoted Wednesday, October 4.

Donal said that he did decide not to attend the summons on Monday, October 2 with two of his colleagues who are members of the Visi Law Office, Febri Diansyah and Rasamala Aritonang. Because, he has other activities that cannot be left behind.

In addition, he also did not receive a call from the KPK. "The letter has never been sent," he said.

Furthermore, Donal admitted that he was surprised by the summons. He never received a power of attorney from related parties in this case, namely Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

"We are in the same office but we, the law office, advocates are individuals. So in this case, because of other activities, I chose and decided together to be involved in handling the case," he said.

"So I did not participate in receiving the power of attorney in the investigation or investigation because SYL's whereabouts were not yet known," continued Donal.

As previously reported, Febri and Rasamala confirmed the existence of a power of attorney from the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) to assist during the investigation process. Both were asked to map corruption vulnerabilities at the ministry and legal opinion, one of which met the investigator's summons.

"We always recommend to our client, to Minister Syahrul during yesterday's investigation to be cooperative," Febri told reporters after being questioned at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, quoted on Tuesday, October 3.

"And he agreed with that and attended the examination for clarification," he continued.

For information, the KPK revealed that there were three clusters handled by investigators. The details are extortion related to positions, gratuities, and alleged money laundering (TPPU).

In investigating this case, a search has been carried out at the official residence of the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul. From this forced effort, Rp30 billion in cash was found in the form of rupiah denominations and foreign currency and 12 firearms.

Then, investigators also searched the Ministry of Agriculture Office in Jakarta and the house of a suspect, Muhammad Hatta, who was in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. At the last location, the anti-corruption commission found Rp400 million in cash allegedly related to the alleged corruption being investigated.

The KPK then stated that it would analyze the findings of money and documents. Meanwhile, firearms will be handled by the police.

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