
JAKARTA - The Berkarya Party welcomes the election of Kaesang Pangarep as the General Chair of the Indonesian Solidarity Party or PSI. Kaesang is a symbol of the younger generation that can inspire millennials and Gen Z in building the nation in the future.

"We, the Berkarya Party, were the happiest when we heard that Kaesang was the chairman of PSI, and we congratulated him," said Secretary General of the Berkarya Party, Fauzan Rachmansyah, at the Berkarya Party DPP, Tuesday, October 3.

Fauzan continued, the Berkarya Party and PSI have something in common, namely as a party dominated by the younger generation. According to him, currently only these two parties have the highest composition of party leaders filled with young people under 40 years of age.

"PSI is the chairman under 40 years old. The Berkarya Sekjen Party and its General Treasurer are under 40 years old. This is what we have in common as a party that is dominated by young people. And if it is likened to PSI films, it is likevaluated Film

Fauzan continued, as a party, young people must have a strong will to build the nation. This is because the momentum of Indonesia's gold in the future can only be escorted by young people who care about politics who can make policies that are in favor of Indonesia's progress in the future.

"So we both have strong will and we both have a youth party. Once again, we congratulate Kaesang, that is Indonesia's hope in the future," he said.

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