JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR Dede Yusuf asked the education manager to take firm action against the perpetrators of bullying in schools by removing them as a deterrent effect.
This was said by Dede in response to the recent rampant cases of child bullying.
"Of course there are legal sanctions that will be carried out. As a supervisory function, schools should be able to immediately remove the perpetrators' children from school as a deterrent effect," said Dede Yusuf to reporters, Saturday, September 30.
Dede assessed that the deterrent effect is very useful for preventing repeated bullying behavior. He is worried that the dismantling will become more and more so if there are no strict sanctions.
In addition, the Democrat politician reminded the school to pay attention to students who are not directly involved. According to him, there needs to be periodic coaching for those who know of bullying.
Dede also asked the Ministry of Education and Culture to make special steps because this bullying case has entered a moral emergency in the world of Indonesian education.
"We have to sit down, is it because there is no more moral education? Or parents let go? Or teachers and schools are afraid to carry out control functions? Because many teachers are also criminalized for reprimanding students," said Dede.
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