
JAKARTA - The Sumatran rhino, also known as the barbersceros, is one of the rarest animals in the world. With the population decreasing, this rhino is one of the most endangered species.

However, there is good news coming from the Indonesian conservation world regarding the Sumatran rhino. One Sumatran rhino calf (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is female again born to a mother named Ratu in Suaka Rhino Sumatra, Way Kambas National Park (SRS TNWK), on Saturday, September 30, 2023, at 01.44 WIB.

"This is the third child of Badak Ratu, Alhamdulillah," wrote a short message from the Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar received by VOI, Saturday, September 30.

He also explained that this news would certainly be happy news, not only for the people of Indonesia but also for the world.

"I give the highest appreciation to the parties involved in the birth of this Sumatran rhino," he continued.

He also hopes that his party can continue to receive happy news from the births of the Sumatran rhino and other protected animals in the future.

With the birth of the Ratu rhino calf, it has increased the number of rhino rhinos in the TNWK SRS to nine. This also proves the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in carrying out rhino conservation efforts in Indonesia, especially the Sumatran rhinoceros, and of course other protected animals.

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