
The rise of acts of violence by first and final grade school students in the form of brawls and bullying against friends, must be found a systemic solution. Because these acts of violence are at a level that has the potential to threaten the loss of life or permanent and serious injuries.

This was said by the Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti in response to the rampant acts of violence committed by students. The latest is the case of bullying by students of SMP Negeri 2 Cimanggu, Cilacap, against their school friends.

"In my past, there were also fights between students, or brawls between schools. But unlike now, fighting with swords, machetes and sickles. Past fights were also at a reasonable level, after friends fell, yes, that's it. Now we see, his friend is helpless, still beaten, trampled, kicked. This threatens lives and serious injuries, "said LaNyalla, Friday, September 29.

LaNyalla said, to find a systemic solution, all aspects of changing the behavior of students or students must be comprehensively reviewed. Environmental aspects, starting from home and playground (community) children. Aspects and types of information accessed by children through social media. Environmental aspects at school, the sensitivity of teachers, especially BP teachers. The school regulations related to rewards and punishment are appropriate.

And the existing cases, all lead to lowering the ethics, morals and character of our students. This is dangerous for the future of the nation. Because if the character's character has decreased, and the morals of the generation are damaged, it will easily fall into other damage, especially drugs, crime and other social diseases. This in the long term will be a burden and a threat to the state, "explained LaNyalla.

In fact, the senator from East Java continued, Indonesia will face an explosion in the population of young people (productive) starting from 2030, to its peak in 2045, with a composition of almost 70 percent of Indonesia's population being those at the productive age level.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology has indeed issued Per-mendikbudristek Number 46 of 2023 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Education Unit (PPKSP). However, the rules regarding bullying by many circles are considered not to be optimally implemented in schools. Because the sanctions regulations are only administrative, given by the education unit and there is no follow-up, who does what and who gives the punishment.

"It's funny if the ss action of bullying is allowed. Productive age, but with low quality, and unable to compete, because it is physically, mentally and spiritually unhealthy, due to moral and lifestyle damage that has been caused since school. On the other hand, foreign workers will be easier to enter Indonesia. This must be seriously considered by the government, "said LaNyalla.

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