JAKARTA - The Democratic Party will officially declare Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate who will be promoted in the 2024 presidential election in a national leadership meeting (rapimnas) at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday, September 21, tonight.
The declaration will be delivered directly by the Chairman of the Democrats Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). The Democrats also invited all political party chairmen at the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) at the event.
"Yes (inviting) the coalition parties that are currently joining in support of Pak Prabowo," said Head of BPOKK of the Democratic Party Herman Khaeron, Thursday, September 21.
Herman said Prabowo would attend directly to the JCC and deliver a national speech. The Democratic Rapimnas will start at 18.00 WIB.
"It is possible that he will deliver his speech," said Herman.
It is known that the Democratic Party's support for Prabowo was a follow-up to the meeting of the Chairman of the Democratic Party's High Council Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) with the General Chairperson of Gerindra in Hambalang on Sunday, October 17.
After tonight's declaration, the Democratic Party will officially join the Advanced Indonesia Coalition with Gerindra, Golkar, PAN, PBB, Gelora, Garuda, and PSI.
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