TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono said the peak of the TNI's 78th Anniversary commemoration was scheduled to be held at the Jakarta National Monument (Monas). The plan will be reported to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
"I am ready to report to the President, while we are preparing at Monas, so that everyone knows, participate in enjoying the TNI's anniversary," Yudo told the media crew after speaking at a national seminar in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 20, which was confiscated by Antara.
He said the TNI's 78th Anniversary event would be held simultaneously throughout Indonesia, whose peak was centered at Monas. Monas is his choice so that the TNI can show the main weapon system (alutsista) to the public.
"Later, we will hold it simultaneously throughout the archipelago, but centrally maybe at Monas. Because at the Palace it seems that it is not enough to place the defense equipment," he said.
In order to welcome the 78th Anniversary, the TNI also held a national seminar. TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono said the seminar was important as a step and effort in anticipating strategic environmental developments.
In his remarks, Yudo said that at the age of 78, the TNI must reflect and continue to develop capabilities.
"A young age is not young, but if it reflects itself, until now the development of the TNI's strength has been relatively slow. This is undeniable to be the impact of all limitations to build and develop the capabilities of the TNI," he said.
Yudo emphasized that the TNI will not stand idly by and will continue to move forward by utilizing all its resources and continuing to expand its insights in order to develop a military defense strategy.
"I hope the results of this seminar can be a very valuable input for us in compiling and developing a military strategy that we call the Nusantara defense strategy (SPN)," he said.
SPN is a military strategy built by utilizing Indonesia's geography as an archipelagic country so that it can become a national defense that protects the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia with forces that balance and strengthen defense forces in the face of existing threats.
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