
YOGYAKARTA Have you ever seen a beautiful license plate of a vehicle that forms a certain name or identity? Originally, the use of a beautiful number plate in a motorized vehicle was nothing new. Those of you who want to have a beautiful number plate can apply for assistance to the Police Institute as the publisher of motorized vehicle plates.

So, what are the provisions like? What conditions must be met to get a beautiful license plate for a motorized vehicle? How much does it cost to get it? The answer to this question can be seen in the following article.

The rules regarding the beautiful license plates of vehicles are contained in the Decree of the Korlantas Polri Number Kep/166/VIII/2019 concerning the Registration Number for Motorized Vehicles (NRKB) Choices.

In the regulation, there are six rules regarding the beautiful license plates of motorized vehicles, including:

Requirements For Making A Vehicle Beautiful Number Plate

To create a chosen vehicle or NRKB number plate, vehicle owners need to prepare a number of documents needed as a condition of submission, including:

How To Create A Vehicle Beautiful Number Plate

If all the documents above are complete, you can apply for a beautiful number plate by following the following steps:

Price Of Vehicle Beautiful Number Plate

It has been mentioned above, the cost of creating a beautiful number plate depends on the combination of the letters and numbers used. Here are the details:

That's the information about the vehicle's beautiful number plates. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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