
The Secretariat General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Setjen Kemendikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia confirmed that the fire incident at the National Museum of Indonesia (MNI) only burned replicas of historical objects.

"Some of the affected collections are replicas, such as in prehistoric areas. The rest are confirmed to be safe," said Acting Head of the Public Service Agency for Museums and Cultural Conservation (BLU MCB), Ahmad Mahendra in an official statement received by VOI, Sunday, September 17, afternoon.

Ahmad Mahendra explained, there are 6 rooms in Building A of the Indonesian National Museum that were affected by the fire.

"There are 6 rooms in Building A that were affected, while 15 other rooms in building A as well as rooms showing off buildings B and C were not affected at all. The fire did not spread," he said.

Mahendra said his party was intensively continuing to measure the impact and follow-up plans in the future.

"The collection of repatriation results from the Netherlands is confirmed not to be affected because it is stored in a location far from the fire center," he said.

Previously, Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim had given a statement from the location of the fire that there were no casualties in this incident.

The top priority of the MCB BLU at this time is to identify and repair affected museum rooms and ensure the safety of historical objects.

"We will work hard to ensure that the museum returns to its best condition as soon as possible," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the National Police Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) had started processing the crime scene (TKP) at the fire site in Block A Building, an exhibition room for the collection of National Museums or Elephant Museums, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Gambir District, Central Jakarta on Sunday, September 17, morning.

"Today, the Forensic Laboratory Center will conduct a crime scene investigation at the location of the fire. The information is that the crime scene is scheduled at 09.00 WIB," said Gambir Metro Police Chief, Kompol Mugia Yarry Junanda when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, September 17, morning.

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