
JAKARTA MS (36), one of the mobile coffee traders who often hang around the National Museum, said that the first time he learned that there was a fire when he saw thick smoke. However, MS said there was no explosion in the incident that occurred on Saturday night, September 16.

A mobile coffee seller who is often called 'Starling' admitted that he only heard bursts of fire from the location of the fire in Block A Building, a room to show off the collection of National Museums or Elephant Museums, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

"Incidentally, my position is quite close to the location of the fire. I initially saw thick black smoke rising high in the air, then I approached the location of the fire," MS told VOI around the National Museum, Sunday, September 17, noon.

After arriving at the location of the fire, MS assisted in the process of extinguishing the fire at one of the National Museum buildings.

MS said, while helping the process of spraying the fire using a hose from the water source in the museum building, he also did not hear the sound of the explosion and explosion.

"There was only the sound of bursts up. I far didn't hear anything. I didn't know ( didn't hear the explosion). Only the fire was round up (coupled into the air)," he said.

MS also did not know the cause of the fire. He admitted that he only helped in the process of spraying the fire.

"When I was at the location at 8 o'clock in less than 10 minutes, the location was still quiet, not many people but the fire had grown. I don't know what caused the fire," he said.

A fire broke out at the National Museum or Elephant Museum, Central Jakarta. The fire is said to have engulfed the museum collection exhibition space. The burning exhibition room is thought to have an archaeological collection, anthropology, ethnography, geography, and the history of the Indonesian nation.

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