
JAKARTA - A trader from Sumedang, West Java with the initials MA (36) became a victim of extortion by a gang of robbers using the MiChat application's essential services mode. The victim, who intends to date a woman he knows through an application, actually fails to channel sexual desire.

As a result of the incident, the victim MA lost his cellphone and ATM card as a result of being confiscated by the perpetrators.

The incident began when a trader from Sumedang, West Java with the initials MA ordered an open BO woman through the MiChat account with the initials MV (27). However, MV actually invited his male friends with the initials RO (25) and OZ (33) to rob the victim. Then all the stolen valuables were sold to a collector with the initials AO (38).

For this incident, the victim MA reported to the Tamansari Metro Police Headquarters. After receiving the incident report, the police immediately arrested 4 suspects with the initials MV, RO, OZ and AO.

"The victim rented an inn in the Mangga Besar Tamansari area, then ordered a woman's services to accompany the victim through the Michat application," said Metro Tamansari Police Chief, Kompol Adhi Wananda when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, September 17.

Furthermore, Kompol Adhi explained, after getting acquainted, the victim then asked about the services of a woman known from the michat application. The victim initially asked about the tariff problem.

The suspect MV set a tariff of IDR 300 thousand to the victim. Then the victim bid IDR 200 thousand until an agreement emerged from the perpetrator and the victim.

"But the victim bid again Rp150 thousand on the grounds that he had not paid. After that, the victim said that the money was only Rp100 thousand and the shortfall was in debt and if the salary would be paid," he explained.

After the victim and her female friend were in the room, it wasn't long before the other perpetrators knocked on the room and asked the victim for Rp100 thousand in room money.

"The perpetrator also asked for a booking of Rp. 1 million while pointing scissors at the victim. Because the victim did not have money and was afraid, the perpetrator took the victim's Samsung A 11 cellphone and the victim's ATM card," he said.

Kompol Adhi appealed to the public to be careful in using social networking applications, especially for those who want to do other things with unknown people. Use the application wisely.

"People must always report adverse incidents so that similar incidents do not occur in the future," he said.

Meanwhile, from the results of the examination, the four suspects had different roles. Suspect RO acted as the one who chatted with the victim through the perpetrator's cellphone MV, suspect OZ played a role in coming to the victim's room with scissors and threatening the victim. The female suspect with the initials MV played a role in accompanying the victim in the room.

Meanwhile, the suspect AO played a role in accepting the victim's cellphone pawn for Rp. 750 thousand. Furthermore, the pawned money was divided equally by each suspect.

"Then from the results of the urine test, two suspects with the initials RO and OZ were positive for drugs containing methamphetamine and amphetamine (shabu). The four suspects were charged with Article 368 of the Criminal Code, while one other person we imposed Article 480 of the Criminal Code," he concluded.

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