
YOGYAKARTA - In accordance with Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee (UU JPH) that all products spread across Indonesia must be certified halal except for illegal products and products that are exempt from the obligation of halal certification. The obligation of this halal certification also includes use goods. So, what do you think is a useful item?

The reason is, goods themselves are objects that are used and participate in daily life, especially those that are used to worship or intersect with the products that are eaten. In accordance with PP 39 of 2021 as well as MUI Fatwa Commission guidelines and, at least 2 important points why use goods need halal certification. First, objects that use direct contact with the product that is eaten. Second, the objects used, used or used are only for goods that come from and/or have animal elements.

Useables that use direct contact with products that are eaten must be certified halal because halal food can be contaminated by halal utilities. Like a frying, there are some anti-stick frieders that use fat derivative materials for their anti-stick. The fat used needs to be seen again, whether using animal or plant fats and whether it has a haram or not. If halal products are contaminated by products that are not halal, so the status of these products is not halal, because actually halal products are products made not only using halal materials but also using halal facilities and processes.

Second, use objects made from under the skin of animals, ranging from bags, jackets and shoes. Materials originating from animal skin are allowed as long as they come from animals not only pigs and have been mixed to clean (vanishing impurity), even though it is not known what method of slaughtering is.

But it is different if the product comes from pork skin. Even though it has gone through the healing process, these products cannot always be declared halal. Until, to avoid Muslim consumers from materials that are not allowed by religion, the implementation of halal certification on scattered products must be carried out. From here we can find out, if there is a halal certificate on the product, it aims to increase the safety and value of the product.

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