
YOGYAKARTA The wealth of 9 PJ Governors appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs is interesting to know. As is known, they will replace the position of regional heads whose term of office expires in early September 2023 in their respective provinces.

As is known, the inauguration of 9 PJ Governors was carried out based on Presidential Decree No. 74. The following is a list of 9 PJ governors.

The assets of each of the 9 PJ gurbernu are as follows.

1. Major General TNI Purn Hasanuddin

In the periodic 2022 State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN), Hassanudin is recorded to have assets of IDR 2.1 billion. The total assets owned by the North Sumatra Governor's PJ consist of land and buildings, and own two vehicles in the form of cars. In addition, he is also recorded as having cash and cash equivalents and is not recorded as having a debt.

2. Bey Priadi Machmudin

Bey Priadi Machmudin's assets in the LHKPN dated March 15, 2023, amounted to Rp9,477,614,231 consisting of land and buildings, transportation equipment and machinery, to other movable assets. In addition, he has cash and cash equivalents and is recorded as having a debt of Rp. 1,028,646,800.

3. Komjen Pol Purn Nana Sudjana

Kekayaan Komjen Pol Purn Nana Sudjana tercatat di LHKPN tergalgal 31 Desember 2022. Dalam data tersebut harta kekayaannya senilai Rp5.282.430.453. Dalam LHKPN ia memiliki kekayaan berupa beberapa tanah dan bengunan yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah. Selain itu ia memiliki kendaraan berupa mobil dan sepeda motor. Ia juga memiliki harta bergerak dan harta sebagai kas.

4. Inspector General of Retired Police Sang Made Made Mahendra Jaya

The assets of Inspector General of Retired Police Sang Made Made Mahendra Jaya are recorded in the LHKPN which was released on May 26, 2014. In LHKPN, he is recorded as having assets worth IDR 3,524,334,113.

5. Come on, Kalake

On the e-lhkpn page, Ayodhia Kalake reported the latest assets on December 31, 2022. In LHKPN, it is recorded that he has assets worth IDR 5,437,443,591. These assets are in the form of land and buildings, machinery and vehicles, cash and cash equivalents, as well as other assets.

6. Harrison Azroi

Prior to his inauguration, Harisson Azroi was the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of West Kalimantan Province. In LHKPN he was recorded as reporting his newest wealth on January 7, 2023 for the 2022 periodic LHKPN. In LHKPN he was recorded as having assets worth IDR 1,818,191,078.

7. Bahtiar Baharuddin

Bahtiar Baharuddin's assets were handed over to the LHKPN on March 21, 2023, periodic 2022. In the KPK e-LHKPN, it was stated that his assets were Rp. 6,032,778,769. His assets are dominated by land and building assets. However, he has means of transportation and machinery, cash and cash equivalents, as well as other movable assets.

8. Komjen Pol Purn Andap Budhi

Until this article was written, the assets of Komjen Pol Purn Andap Budhi were not yet known because it was not recorded in the LHKPN so it could not be informed.

9. Muhammad Ridwan Ruikutun

Muhammad Ridwan Ruikutun's assets recorded at the LHKPN total Rp973,915,512. The report was reported last on December 31, 2022.

That is information related to the wealth of the 10 PJ governors who were inaugurated by the Minister of Home Affairs. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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