
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said ASEAN must be able to work harder, more compact, brave and agile to become the 'Epicentrum of Growth', according to ASEAN direction, when opening the ASEAN 43rd Plenary Session of Summit in Jakarta, Tuesday.

President Jokowi said ASEAN's unity and centrality are the main keys to facing the current challenges of the world.

"ASEAN's direction is clear, becoming the 'Epicentrum of Growth'. ASEAN's capital is big to achieve it. However, ASEAN must be able to work harder, be more compact, bolder and more agile,

"In addition, ASEAN also needs a relevant long-term tactical strategy and according to the expectations of the people. Which is not only for the next five years, but for the next 20 years until 2045," continued President Jokowi.

Furthermore, President Jokowi said, ASEAN as part of the Indo-Pacific region also continues to consistently work hard, both using an inclusive approach through the cooperation of the ASEAN Secretariat with the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIF) and the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). As well as the economic approach and development of the ASEAN-Indo Pacific Forum, so that ASEAN can have an impact on its people and also on the world.

"ASEAN as a big ship has also a big responsibility, in the hundreds of millions of people who sailed together in it," said President Jokowi.

"And even though we have to sail in the middle of a storm, we as ASEAN leaders must ensure that this ship is capable of continuing to advance, capable of continuing to sail, and we must be captains on our own ship to realize peace, realize stability, realize prosperity together," concluded President Jokowi.

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