JAKARTA - The Timika City Search and Rescue Team (SAR), Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province, continues to search for victims of the New Spirit Motor Ship (KM) but the results are still nil.
Head of the Timika SAR Office George LM Randang, through a release in Jayapura, Sunday, said the search for two victims was still ongoing until the sixth day.
"The joint SAR team used a RIB 400 PK boat to search based on the MapPrediction SAR sent by the Basarnas Command Center but has not yielded any results," he said, quoted by Antara.
According to George, SAR operations are proposed to be closed because the search has been carried out for six days and has covered the entire search area of the SAR Prediction Map (SAR MapPrediction).
"KM Semangat Baru contains fuel oil (BBM) to be taken to Agats, Asmat Regency, has a leak, then drowned on Sunday (27/8)," he said.
"During the six days of searching for the two victims, there were no results, so the SAR operation was closed," he said.
He explained that if later there were signs or reports regarding the whereabouts of the victims, the SAR operation could be reopened.
"With the closure of the operation, all potential SAR involved will be returned to their respective units with thanks," he said.
He added that there were six crew members of KM Semangat Baru, four people were found but two others were not yet known their fate and whereabouts.
"It is known that the survivors were Junaidi (35/L), Husein (29/L), Edi Rusdianto (37/L), Johan (27/L), while Herman (40/L) and Nando (36/L) are still being searched," he said.
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