
CIREBON - In July, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) announced that Kertajati Airport in Majalengka will fully operate in October 2023 and all commercial logging from Husein Sastranegara Airport, Bandung will also be moved to Kertajati.

The Immigration Office Class I TPI Cirebon ensures that immigration services at Kertajati Airport, Majalengka Regency, West Java remain open to support commercial flight services that will resume operations in October 2023.

"If Kertajati Airport is back in operation, there will automatically be Immigration. We always stand by at Kertajati," said Head of the Class I Immigration Office of Cirebon TPI Nur Raisha Pujiastuti in Cirebon, Saturday.

He said that with the re-operation of Kertajati Airport, his party is ready to provide the best service to passengers who make domestic and international flights.

This readiness, he said, is to support the smooth journey at the airport, which is expected by passengers to feel more comfortable and safe with the excellent service from the Cirebon Immigration Office.

"We welcome the opening of commercial flights at Kertajati Airport," he said.

However, he continued, the Cirebon Immigration Office first saw the number of flights at Kertajati Airport before increasing the number of officers working to serve passengers.

"We will first look at the number of flights, arrivals and departures, then we will determine how many personnel are on duty there," he said.

Raisha assessed that all the facilities available at one of the largest international airports in Indonesia were sufficient to support commercial aviation activities.

Reoperating Kertajati Airport, he said, would provide a positive impetus in the recovery of the tourism and economic sectors in the surrounding area.

In addition, he assessed that the success in managing the arrival and departure of this year's hajj is proof of the commitment of the Cirebon Immigration Office in providing the best service to the community.

"Because yesterday the departure and arrival of the 2023 Hajj at Kertajati Airport were also carried out well," he concluded, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, September 2.

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