TASIKMALAYA - Tasikmalaya City Police are hunting for the perpetrators of destroying the glass of the Al Hidayah Mosque, Cikiara, Tasikmalaya City, West Java, whose identities have been identified.
"It is true that there has been a vandalism carried out by H (initials)," said Tasikmalaya City Police Chief AKBP SY Zainal Abidin in Tasikmalaya, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 31.
Police officers received reports of a person suddenly destroying the glass of the Al Hidayah Cikiara Mosque in Panglayungan Village, Cipedes District, Tasikmalaya. The crime scene (TKP) was then carried out on Wednesday.
The police have collected evidence and then asked for statements from a number of witnesses for further investigation processing needs and installed police lines.
The results of the crime scene, said the Police Chief, have identified the perpetrator who is suspected of being a young man in a drunken condition with the initials H (25) whose whereabouts are currently still being sought.
"The police action that has been taken is to have conducted a crime scene investigation, collect witnesses and evidence at the crime scene," he said.
The police, who have been deployed, are currently focusing on searching for the alleged perpetrators to places where they are suspected of being hiding.
Chairman of the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM) Jami Al Hidayah, Solihat Kamal Jayadi said the condition of the mosque had been cleaned and the case was reported to the police.
He said that previously residents had identified the perpetrators who had often made the local community nervous.
Residents interrogated the perpetrator and admitted his actions and then apologized for being drunk.
After that, the perpetrator then fled using his family's motorbike, whose whereabouts are not yet known.
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