
YOGYAKARTA A total of 516 motorists were subject to evidence of violations (tickets) during the emission raid test in the capital city of Jakarta, on Friday, August 26, 2023. Of the 516 vehicles that have not tested emissions as many as 412 units, while those who do not pass the vehicle emission test are 104 units. So, what is the cause of the vehicle not passing the emission test?

Adapted from the My Pertamina website, one of the reasons why vehicles do not pass the emission test is the imperfect combustion process.

This condition can occur in vehicles that use fuel that do not match the engine specifications.

For example, a car engine with compression in a bag with a value of 10:1, but using low octane fuel is around 88. This made the fuel explode before the compression process or knockout.

When experiencing knockout, the engine spin of the vehicle becomes less stable so that the vehicle test results become inaccurate. Tests of each machine's spin must be stable in order to get the most appropriate number parameters. In addition, the symptoms of knockout can trigger much higher carbon deposits in the burning room.

Vehicles that do not pass the emission test can also be caused by the use of oil that is not in accordance with the recommendations of the vehicle factory.

Please note, oil has various SAE sau thickness values. The use of oil that is not appropriate can cause the combustion process to become imperfect. This kind of combustion process has the potential to trigger the remaining high emission level, even reaching the threshold for passing exhaust gas tests. In addition, oil must also be replaced at a certain distance or at a certain time.

As mentioned above, the use of fuel that does not match the ratio of engine compression can cause the combustion process to become imperfect.

This condition can increase emissions levels of HC, NOx, and also CO. The use of quality fuel that really fits the engine compression is very important for vehicles.

Injectors have an important role in terms of spraying fuel in the combustion chamber. When an injector is blocked by dirt such as sulfur from fuel, the engine performance can be disrupted.

This kind of position can also make fuel consumption more wasteful and produce black smoke that triggers less perfect emissions.

The exhaust is a channel to dispose of combustion residue on the engine. Therefore, exhaust is the component of the vehicle that is most susceptible to leakage and loss.

The leaking exhaust can reduce the pressure of exhaust circulation so that the engine's performance is disrupted. So that exhaust emissions increase dramatically.

Vehicles need to be serviced regularly so that engine performances remain in good condition. Aware of the importance of routine service in order to ensure that vehicles do not remove exhaust gas exceeding the level of emission testing pass.

Services that are carried out regularly not only have a positive impact on vehicle engines, but also on the surrounding environment.

This is information about the cause of the vehicle not passing the emission test. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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