
TEMANGGUNG - The Public Works and Spatial Planning (DPUPR) of the Temanggung Regency Government, Central Java, focused on repairing dams and irrigation canals to support increased agricultural production. Head of the Temanggung Regency Government DPUPR Hendy Wahyu Noerhidayat said, in 2023 Temanggung received an allocation of funds from three sources, namely district crew, provincial APBD and special allocation funds (DAK). "DARI DAK mendapat anggaran Rp14 miliar untuk sembilan dam dan saluran irigasi, seperti di Aji Barang, Aji Kawah, Progo, Setro, dan Silumut," katanya di Temanggung, Antara, Kamis, 31 Agustus. Then from the provincial budget amounting to Rp3 billion for the rehabilitation of two dams in the damaged villages of Mergowati and Karangtejo. He said that from the district budget of IDR 3 billion for the rehabilitation of 12 irrigation networks and the Doyo Makmur dam in Temanggung District. The head of the construction project for the Setro irrigation dam in Salam Sari Village, Kedu District, Restu Santoso added, the dam was built with DAK. "Currently, the progress of the work is 30 percent. In this location, the dam was rebuilt which was damaged by the flood and built four talud on the left and right of the dam," he said.
He targets the dam building to be completed before October 30, 2023, after which it is just a maintenance.

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