
JAKARTA The persecution incident led to the death of a young man from Aceh, Imam Masykur, surprising many parties. This is because the alleged perpetrators came from the TNI military unit and the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres).

This case became even more crowded after the video of Imam Masykur's persecution circulated on social media. This clearly makes people react strongly to the perpetrators. In the video, the victim looks dazed in pain when the perpetrator performs the persecution.

Like a rope knot that is connected to each other. This case is the same. Long before this case was revealed, the victim's family had reported cases of kidnapping and torture against Imam Masykur to the Polda Metro Jaya on Wednesday, August 12. The report was received by the police with Number STTLP/B/4776/VIII/2023/SPKT.

Three days passed, to be precise Saturday, August 15, after the family made a report, residents of Curug Village, Klari District, Karawang, West Java were shocked by the discovery of a corpse floating in a river around the POJ Curug dam area.

The police also conducted an investigation and it was known that the discovery of the body in Karawang was closely related to reports made by the Imam Masykur family, namely kidnapping and extortion.

This afternoon, Tuesday, August 29, Kadispenad Brigadier General Hamim Tohari explained, in the case of finding a corpse in the river around the POJ Curug dam area involved members of the TNI.

The legal process carried out by Pomdam Jaya began with a public report against the Polda Metro Jaya (PMJ) on August 14, 2023, regarding the alleged kidnapping of extortion and maltreatment. After the development was carried out by PMJ, it was finally suspected that there was involvement of TNI soldiers. Then it was delegated to Pomdam Jaya to carry out further proceedings because those suspected of committing the crime were TNI soldiers. "explained Brigadier General Hamim Tohari.

Simpuls Of Incidents Revealing The Death Of Imam Masykur: Reports At Polda Metro And Discovery Of Bodies In Karawang

After receiving the overflow of cases from Polda Metro Jaya, Pomdam Jaya conducted an initial investigation and then found two other suspected perpetrators.

"After further investigations, he was finally named a suspect in the kidnapping case of extortion and maltreatment", he said.

Brigadier General Hamim Tohari emphasized that his party was continuing to work on uncovering this case so that it would be completed by collecting witnesses and evidence.

"Pomdam Jaya investigators continue to work to uncover this case thoroughly, collect witness statements and collect evidence, and because this has become a public concern. Puspomad also dispatched a team to supervise to help and participate in the legal process, and also consulted with officials from the military oditur so that this is ensured that the legal process carried out by Pomdam Jaya will be carried out properly, transparently, and will be conveyed to the public later.."

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