
The Gambir Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit conducted an investigation and examination of witnesses related to the fire case of hundreds of houses on Jalan Gang Kober, South Petojo Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

"We have taken 4 people who have taken their statements in the context of an investigation," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Gambir Metro Police AKP Kadek Dwi to VOI, Tuesday, August 29.

The four people who were examined were questioned as witnesses because they knew the beginning of the incident. However, AKP Kadek has not been able to confirm whether there is an element of negligence or not.

"Until now there has been no (election element). We have also coordinated with the Forensic Laboratory. The forensic results will come out in the next 2 weeks," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Gambir Metro Police had not examined a number of eyewitnesses to the fire incident in a densely populated residential area of Jalan Gang Kober, Petojo Selatan Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

"The witness is still being interrogated at the beginning of about three people, but no one has yet been asked for an official statement for humanitarian reasons," said Gambir Metro Police Chief, Kompol Mugia Yarry Junanda when confirmed by VOI, Monday, August 28.

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