JAKARTA The South Jakarta Metro Police held a murder case by Edy Rinaldi against Mat Yusuf (61) and his wife, Haryati (43) on Jalan Gang Perintis, Kebon Baru, South Jakarta. Mat Yusuf died from a stab wound, while Haryati survived despite being stabbed.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro, revealed that the trigger for the stabbing was because the perpetrator was hurt by the victim. The perpetrator, namely Edy Rinaldi, was not happy with Haryati's way of collecting debts in public. So the victim felt humiliated.
Bintoro detailed, based on the results of the examination of the perpetrator, it was known that Haryati, the victim's wife, did not pay attention to the situation and conditions. Even the victim was said to borrow money often but rarely returned it.
The person concerned (the perpetrator) has money and cannot pay, "You have money and you have debt but you can't pay. Keep borrowing" like that in public, said Bintoro, imitating the perpetrator's words during the examination.
Bintoro said that the perpetrator had a debt of Rp. 2 million which was carried out in stages. When asked if the victim was collecting at his place of work, Bintoro admitted that he still could not conclude. Because they are still waiting for the victim's statement that is still being treated.
"Information like that (collected from the workplace) we collect some at work from this confession of the perpetrator. Currently, because the victim is still traumatized, we have not been able to take it significantly," he said.
The perpetrator was arrested in the Bogor area, Monday, August 28, at night. He has been named a suspect and charged with Article 340 in conjunction with Article 338 in conjunction with Article 351 paragraph 4 with a maximum threat of the death penalty.
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