PekanbarU - Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police Unit, Riau has curbed posters of prospective legislative candidates for the 2024 General Election installed on trees and power poles on a number of main roads such as Arifin Achmad Street and Jalan Jendral Sudirman.
"We immediately removed posters and billboards installed on trees and electric poles," said Head of the Pekanbaru City Satpol PP, Zulfahmi Adrian, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 28.
The legislative poster is widely installed on trees and electric poles near the sidewalk. This condition not only endangers road users but also interferes with beauty.
Officers from the Pekanbaru City Satpol PP also carried out control on a number of roads. They removed one by one the legislative posters installed on trees and power poles.
He emphasized that legislative candidates are not allowed to put posters on trees or on power poles. He emphasized that this greatly disturbed the beauty and order of the city.
Zulfahmi said that legislative candidates could use the media for installing billboards and paid posters. There are quite a lot of paid promotion methods to introduce legislative candidates
"If it is installed carelessly on the side of the road, trees and electric poles, of course it can endanger motorists," he explained.
Currently, there are many billboards and posters of legislative candidates ahead of the 2024 General Election. However, his condition is still chaotic without considering the security side.
If later there are still billboards and posters installed in any place, the Satpol PP will carry out control.
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