
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti emphasized that the result of 25 Years of Reform was that Indonesia had left Pancasila as the identity of the Constitution and the highest legal norm of this country.

This was conveyed virtually by LaNyalla in the National Insight Seminar at the series of Great Indonesia Festivals held by the Salatiga City Government with the theme "Reflexion and Projection 25 Years of Reform", Saturday, August 26.

"What resulted from the Amendment to the 1945 Constitution from 1999 to 2002 was proven academically to have left Pancasila as the identity of the Indonesian Constitution. Has left Pancasila as the highest Legal Norm of this country," he said.

The reason, he continued, was that the Constitution, the results of the Amendments in the reform era, actually described the values of Individualism and Liberalism which were not the Indonesian people's Life Falsafah.

"The contents of the articles in the Constitution generated in the reform era have replaced the Indonesian State System, from the previous sovereignty of the people being reflected in the Highest State Institution, namely the MPR, converted into a Political Party and the Elected President who is the executor of people's sovereignty," he said.

As a result, according to LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, power in running the country since then has only been in the hands of the elected party chairman and President.

Indeed, he continued, there is the Regional Representative Council, which is a representative from the regions. But in fact in the Constitution, the DPD RI is not a legislator, so if now many people are disappointed with the existing law, then the DPD RI cannot fight optimally.

"This is the state system resulting from the reform era. So that what happens is that the Political Oligarchy and Economic Oligarchies are getting bigger and more in control of the country. Because there is a mutual relationship between the Political Oligarchy and the Economic Oligarchy due to expensive political costs in the Presidential Election directly," he explained.

Likewise, the process of forming the Law, which is binding on all Indonesians, is only produced by members of the DPR, which is an extension of the Party's General Chair. Without a check and balances mechanism, often even without sufficient public involvement.

"Currently we are witnessing the birth of dozens of laws that are pro to market mechanisms in national economic planning. Due to the fact, to this day only a handful of people enjoy welfare and wealth. Meanwhile, millions of people are poor, and tens of millions have the potential to become poor," said LaNyalla.

So that in the last 25 years, according to LaNyalla, more and more anomalies or paradoxies have occurred. Even the Reform mandate demanded by students at that time, including removing Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism, in fact in 2022, Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index even increased.

"People's welfare is getting further and more evident from expectations. People can only live their lives to meet basic needs. But the dream of the birth of this country is to advance General Welfare and to educate the Nation's Life, with the estuary of realizing Social Justice for All Indonesian People, feels further and further from reality," he explained.

In fact, he said, Indonesia has a big job. Namely welcoming the age of 100 years old Indonesia Gold in 2045. Also a change in the global situation. Which is marked by increasingly complex and uncertain future challenges, and filled with a turbulent atmosphere.

"To prepare this, it takes joint determination, fighting spirit, and positive contribution, as well as the involvement of all elements of the nation without exception," he said again.

This joint determination can only be collaborated through channels and facilities that provide space for sovereignty to the people, as the owner of this country. In a bond that is able to unite. Able to provide a sense of justice. And able to answer the challenges of the future through the identity of this nation.

"Therefore, on various occasions and I have also conveyed at the Joint Session of the MPR, DPR and DPD RI on August 16 last week, how important this nation is to re-examine the state system that we have implemented since the Reformation era. Of course, by improving and strengthening through constitutional addendum techniques, so that this nation returns to Pancasila," said LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti.

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