PADANG - DPRD Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, followed up on Regent Benny Utama's decision to submit a letter of resignation because he was running as a legislative candidate in the 2024 General Election.
Deputy Chairman of the Pasaman DPRD, West Sumatra, Yasri said his institution has scheduled a plenary session with the agenda of proposing the dismissal of the Regent of Pasaman for the 2021-2026 period on behalf of Benny Utama on Saturday, August 26 tomorrow.
"The plenary trial plan is tomorrow," he said in Lubuk Attitude, Antara, Friday, August 25.
After Benny's resignation letter was announced at the plenary session of the Pasaman DPRD, then the letter of proposal for dismissal from the Pasaman DPRD was forwarded to the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Governor of West Sumatra as a representative of the central government in the regions.
"Regarding the determination of dismissal, it is no longer our authority," he said.
In a letter dated August 22, 2023 addressed to the Chairman of the Pasaman DPRD, Regent Benny said the reason for resigning was because he would become a legislative candidate in the 2024 General Election.
Benny stepped up as a Golkar Party candidate for the DPR-RI from the Electoral Region (Dapil) of West Sumatra II which includes Agam Regency, Limapuluh Kota, Padang Pariaman, Pasaman, West Pasaman, Bukittinggi City, Pariaman and Payakumbuh.
For the ongoing period, 2021-2026, Benny was sworn in as Regent of Pasaman on February 26, 2021 with the Deputy Regent of Sabar AS.
The 2021-2026 period is the second term for Benny to serve as Regent of Pasaman. Benny underwent the first period for the period from August 29, 2010 to August 29, 2015.
In the first period, Benny was accompanied by Deputy Regent Daniel Lubis. Meanwhile, for the period 2016 to 2021, the position of Regent and Deputy Regent of Pasaman was occupied by pair Yusuf Lubis and Atos Pratama.
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