
YOGYAKARTA - In each legislative general election campaign (Pemilu), regional head elections (Pilkada), to the presidential and vice presidential elections (Pilpres) we will meet several banners, billboards, pamphlets, flags, and posters scattered in all corners of the city or regency where we live.

All of these items are classified as Peraga Campaign Equipment (APK). This is one method that candidates for legislative members, political parties, governor candidates and deputy governors, and presidential and vice presidential candidates to make them more famous and known to residents. The General Elections Commission (KPU) has made provisions regarding the APK in the KPU Regulation which continues to be updated.

In KPU Regulation No. 23 of 2018 concerning General Election Campaigns, it is explained about what the APK means. In the regulation, the KPU reports that the Campaign Performance Equipment is all objects or other forms that fit the vision, mission, program, and/or other data from Election Participants, symbols or characteristics of the Election Participants, which are installed for Campaign purposes which aim to invite people to sort out certain Election Participants.

Then in Article 32 paragraph 2 of KPU Regulation No. 23 of 2018 it is stated that campaign props include: a. billboards, billboards, or videotron; b. banners; and/or c. umbul- umbul. In that provision, it is also explained about Campaign Materials (BK). For the KPU, campaign materials are all goods or others that are distributed/shared for campaign purposes.

Article 30 of KPU regulation No. 23 of 2018, campaign materials in the form of leaflets (flyers), brochures (leftlets), pamphlets, posters, stickers, clothes, head coverings, drinking utensils/eating utensils, calendars, business cards, pins, and/or stationery.

The KPU also issued a requirement regarding the limit on the number of APKs that could be made by pairs of candidates for regional heads in the 2020 Pilkada, through KPU Regulation (PKPU) No. 10 and KPU Regulation No. 11 of 2020. The reason is that the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada was carried out in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In PKPU No. 10 and KPU Regulation No. 11 of 2020, it is stated that provincial / district / city KPUs facilitate the printing of billboards, tubers or banners as well as / or the installation of billboards or videotron views, including:

For this regulation, the installation of campaign prop equipment is carried out in a position set by the provincial / district / city KPU in coordination with regional governments, sub-district officials, as well as village / sub-district officials.

The distribution of campaign materials printed by provincial or district/city KPUs must be tried by practicing the COVID-19 prevention health protocol, which is mandatory campaign material in clean condition, wrapped in liquid-resistant materials, and has been sterilized.

After that, the officer who provided the campaign material used a mask that covered the nose and mouth to the chin and gloves, then prevented the distribution of campaign materials that caused a crowd.

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