
The Central Jakarta Metro Police are reluctant to mention the whereabouts of the Oklin Fia celebrity after being reported by the SMMI PB management. The reason is, the reporting party assumes that the Oklin Fia celebrity is vulnerable to escaping after being reported for the alleged blasphemy case, since Monday, August 14.

"Yesterday, investigators sent a clarification invitation (to the reported Oklin Fia). I'll check again later," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, August 23.

However, until now, investigators have not arrested the Oklin Fia celebrity or named her a suspect. Even though the process of handling the case since it was reported that it had been running for more than 1 week.

"Currently, the case is still in the investigation stage," he said.

The Executive Board of the Indonesian Muslim Student Union (PB SMMI) urged the Central Jakarta Metro Police to immediately determine the status of the suspect against the Oklin Fia celebrity because there have been many police reports.

Oklin was reported for viral content with ice cream in an indecent style while wearing a hijab.

"We hope that Oklin will be questioned soon and named a suspect," said the Head of Legal and Human Rights Division of PB SMMI, Arisastra Desert, Wednesday, August 23.

In addition, the Desert ensures that the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) fully supports PB SMMI's steps in reporting on the Oklin Fia celebrity.

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