
JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cempaka Putih Police denied the robbery that happened to an extracurricular teacher with the initials MFH in the Cempaka Putih area. According to the police, the incident was not a criminal act of robbery, but extortion.

"He has gone to the Cempaka Putih Police to report the incident. The report is an extortion case," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cempaka Putih Police, AKP Suprayogo, when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, August 23.

Suprayogo also explained that until now the reporter who was examined was asked for information about the incident he experienced.

"Meanwhile, the reporter was asked for information. The victim has made a police report, article 368 of the Criminal Code (extortion)," he said.

In addition, the police are also still in the process of investigating the report. As for the incident, the victim lost his cellphone and vehicle certificate (STNK) of his motorbike.

Previously, M Faisal Harianto, an extracurricular teacher at a school in the Sunter area, North Jakarta, was the victim of a robbery carried out by a group of debt collectors on Jalan Ahmad Yani, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta.

According to the victim Faisal's statement, at first he did not know if he was followed by a group of debt collectors. The reason was that at that time he ran out of a private campus in the Pasar Rebo area, East Jakarta.

However, when he crossed Jalan Ahmad Yani, Cempaka Putih, the victim was forced to stop opening the google map application to find out where he was teaching.

However, suddenly several motorbikes came towards Faisal to the number of motorbikes that came as many as 6 motorbikes.

"They didn't all come for a few motorbikes. And they have a debt collector. I thought they wanted to fill up gasoline, it turned out that someone immediately grabbed me," he said.

Faisal said one of the perpetrators said that the motorbike he was driving was in arrears of payment. He immediately called his parents to ask about it.

"When I was calling my mother, I didn't finish talking to my mother, then another one came and they immediately took my cellphone. They said let me explain to my mother," he said.

Faisal said another man also approached him and asked about the STNK. Not suspicious, Faisal also showed the STNK but still held Faisal.

"At first I held the STNK because I wanted to take a photo by another eastern man for a photo. It didn't last long, another man came and immediately took the STNK he was holding," he said. The fifth man immediately came to ask Faisal to come to his office.

"I was told to come, so I came, but I accompanied one person who was still calling his mother. Finally, I joined the convoy of those whose motorbikes almost all didn't use vehicle number plates," he explained.

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