
A total of 520 prisoners or correctional inmates (WBP) from 16 prisons (prisons) within the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office from January to August 2023 received certified skills training.

"certified skills training is given to WBP in the hope that they can become a provision for life after being free to serve a criminal period," said Head of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Ilham Djaya in Palembang, quoting Antara, Sunday, August 20.

He explained that the training provided to prisoners/WBP was in the form of skills in the creative industry including perbatikan, furniture/carp wood, sewing, and barista.

Kemudian membuat kolengkap bunga, tata boga, tata perayaan, pembuatan sepujuk, mural/melukis, dan membuat kain jumputan khas Palembang.

Meanwhile, technical skills training is given to WBP such as automotive training, electronics (video audio), electrical installations, construction, and air conditioning services.

Training in agriculture such as fish cultivation, chicken farming, hydroponic cultivation and waste bank processing.

For example, at the Muara Beliti Narcotics Prison, Musirawas held welding and carpentry training for 40 WBP in collaboration with Disnaker and BLK Musirawas.

Fishery training at Tanjung Raja Prison, Ogan Komering Ilir was given to 10 WBP, barista training at Surulangun Rawas Prison was given to 20 WBP, and sewing training was given to 20 WBP of Palembang Women's Prison.

Then the WBP Lubuklinggau Prison was given batik, boga, and electronic training with a total of 80 WBP participants, the Banyuasin Narcotics Prison was given welding training to make the canopy 40 WBP.

"Inmates of Muaradua Prison are given certified independent training in the form of car/motor salon skills, and president of wheels with a total of 40 WBP participants," he said.

According to him, his party through correctional institutions in South Sumatra is committed to improving the competence of correctional inmates through providing certified independent training.

"Giving certified training to inmates is our commitment in implementing Government Regulation Number 31 of 1999 concerning the guidance and guidance of correctional inmates where it is stated that prisoners are required to obtain empowerment in coaching and guidance in the form of work skills and work training," said Ilham.

The main goal of the coaching program is to prepare skills/skills independently for correctional inmates as a provision for them to return to the community later.

"By passing the certified training, it is hoped that it will provide provisions for WBP to re-integrate with the community, so that they can become productive people," said the former Head of the Palembang Red Eye Kalapas.

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