
JAKARTA - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked Indonesia for supporting the sovereignty and integrity of the Ukrainian territory as evidenced by President Joko Widodo's visit to Ukraine in June 2022. Zelenskyy's statement was delivered to the Indonesian Extraordinary and Plenipotential Ambassador (LBBP) to Ukraine, Arief Muhammad Basalamah, when Arief submitted a letter of trust from President Joko Widodo to Zelenskyy at Saint Sophia Cathedral, Kiev, on Thursday 17 August. Zelenskyy also appreciated Indonesia for inviting Ukraine to take part in the November 20 summit last year to deliver the comprehensive peace formula he initiated. The information from the Indonesian Embassy in Kiev received in Jakarta, Saturday, August 19, stated that Zelenskyy was also grateful to Indonesia for participating in a consultation meeting to discuss the implementation of the peace formula in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, August 5. Zelenskyy wants both countries to improve bilateral relations in all fields. Meanwhile, the submission of this credentials became the beginning of Arief's duties in Ukraine. Arief, who met with President Zelenskyy, to discuss efforts to improve cooperation between the two countries, in politics, economic and socio-cultural fields, reiterated Indonesia's commitment to assisting the reconstruction of hospitals in Chernihiv.

Rekonstruksi tersebut ditempuh dalam kerangka program Ukraine Relief, Recovery, Reconstruction and Reform Trust Fund (URTF) Bank Dunia dengan kontribusi senilai 5 juta dolar AS (Rp76,60 miliar).Komitmen membantu rekonstruksi rumah sakit Ukraina terdampak perang itu sudah disampaikan Presiden Joko Widodo saat mengunjungi Ukraina pada Juni 2022 untuk memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan dan menjembatani konflik Ukraina dan Rusia.Arief sebelumnya bertugas sebagai Konsul Jenderal RI di Marseille, Prancis. Dia dilantik oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada 26 Juni sebagai Duta Besar RI untuk Ukraina merangkap Republik Armenia dan Georgia.

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