
TANGERANG - A grandmother named Iniah was abandoned on the highway in the Graha Bunga area, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang. When found by a police officer, Iniah's grandmother was sitting under a shady tree in shabby clothes. This grandmother looks confused while watching the vehicle passing in front of her.

Head of the Graha Bunga Police Post, Ipda Mulyadi, said that Iniah was found on Tuesday, August 15, at 07.00 WIB.

Mulyadi suspects that Iniah has become forgetful, or has decreased in memory so that he forgot his home address. In fact, said Mulyadi, he forgot what he had just done.

Grandma Iniah arrived at the Graha Bunga area, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, accompanied by a motorbike suspected of being her family. Then she was dropped off under a tree and left by her family.

Informasi dari anak saya, bahwa ibu ini diketahui dari jam 7 pak. Saat ditanya sedang berjalan kaki. Yang jelas ibu ini linglung, kalau ditanya ya-yesa saja, kata Mulyadi kepada wartawan di Graha Bunga, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan, Selasa, 15 Agustus.

"Nenek admitted that he had his address at Pondok Jengkol," he continued

Mulyadi said, officers plan to find the address for the elderly to be returned to his house if his family is found. However, if the address is not found, then his party will hand it over to the Social Institution.

"We will look for the address of this mother, if it is not there. I went straight to the social institution," he concluded.

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