
MEULABOH - Basarnas Nias, North Sumatra dispatched a rescue team and crew of Susi Air to search for and rescue by air for a number of Australian foreigners and Indonesian citizens who lost contact in the Banyak Islands, Aceh Singkil Regency.

"We are still observing the area around the search to find the ship suspected of being boarded by the victim," said Head of Basarnas Nias Octavianto in a media briefing received by ANTARA in Meulaboh, Aceh, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 14.

Seven passengers on a speed boat, including foreign nationals (WNA) from Australia, are suspected of missing in the waters of Sarang Alu and Banyak Islands, Aceh Singkil Regency, Aceh Province.

There are also temporary victim data of several foreign nationals (WNA) including Elliot Foote,tengas Weisse,, Will Teagle and C Jordan Short.

Then there were a number of Indonesian citizens (WNI) who were also victims, including Yunardi Ardi (manager), Fivan and Kibal, each as crew.

Octavianto said the search throughout Monday was focused on the location of the incident, either by air or by sea.

Apart from Susi Air, Basarnas Nias also deployed KN SAR Nakula, RIB 04 Kansar Nias, Speed Boat for the Banyak Island SAR Task Force, SAR Equipment in Water.

Then his party also deployed a number of equipment such as personal personal personal personal protective equipment (PPE), body bags, and a number of other equipment.

There are also elements involved in the operation consisting of Nias Basarnas personnel, Banyak Island SAR Task Force and Many Island Muspika, Aceh Singkil.

Then SAKA SAR Pulau Banyak, crew Susi Air Gunung Sitoli, residents and managers of Pinang Resort Islands Banyak Aceh Singkil.

"At 17.36 WIB in the afternoon the rescue team and the crew of Susi Air landed at Binaka Airport, Gunung Sitoli, Nias, with the victim's results still not found," said Octavianto.

His party will resume the search for victims on Tuesday (15/8) which began at around 06.00 WIB in the morning.

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