
BANJARBARU - The South Kalimantan Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD Kalsel) deployed four units of water bombing helicopters to extinguish as many as six forest and land fires (karhutla) in the Banjarbaru City area and its surroundings.

Karhutla devoured several areas that are quite well known to the local community, namely the Cempaka area, Banjarbaru Prison, Pengayuan, Guntung Damar, Pandahan, and Tambak Tarap.

"We have deployed four helicopters as well as to extinguish areas that cannot be reached by the ground task force," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of South Kalimantan BPBD Pormadi Dharma as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 14.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Volunteers for the Karhutla Task Force for the South Kalimantan BPBD, Mansyah, said that the hotspots grew at around 15.00 WITA, personnel scattered at six forest and land fires in the capital city of South Kalimantan.

"More than 200 joint personnel are scattered to tackle forest and land fires in Banjarbaru City," said Mansyah.

He revealed that the flames were thought to have been caused by the burning of land and the remaining coal from yesterday which was thought to be still burning under the semi-gambut land. He said the fire had approached residential areas, but was able to be controlled thanks to the alertness of the volunteers at the location.

Since 15.30 WITA, the volunteers have changed locations, until 20.50 WITA, personnel are still struggling because the forest and land fires are still on fire in the Banjarbaru City area.

Mansyah said the area of forest and land fires is still at the related field data collection stage, but he estimates that forest and land fires will eat tens of hectares of land on site.

His party will coordinate with the local provincial health office regarding recommendations for residents to wear masks if at any time needed under certain conditions.

Moreover, within two months, Banjarbaru City is often hit by smog due to forest and land fires occurring almost every day.

He asked residents not to clear land by burning, especially since the water supply in South Kalimantan has begun to decrease due to entering the dry season, making it quite difficult to control forest and land fires if water supplies are limited.

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