
TANGERANG - The action of a motorcycle gang in Pondok Cabe, South Tangerang was so wild, they were reported to have damaged a number of public facilities. Even two motorbikes that crossed the road were attacked and destroyed using sharp weapons.

Their actions were recorded on video and went viral on social media. In the video, dozens of teenagers kick the fence of the house, damaging the motorbikes belonging to passing motorists. The victim was threatened with a sharp weapon by one of the gang members.

The Pamulang Police Chief, Kompol Fiernando Andriansyah, confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Sunday, August 13, at 04.00 a.m. Western Indonesian Time (WIB).

Fiernando added that there were two motorcycles that had been damaged by the motorcycle gang. They attacked without any reason against motorists passing by at that location.

“Motorcycles, passing motorists met the group and were immediately attacked and their motorbikes damaged. In fact, there is no trigger," said Fiernando when confirmed, Monday, August 14.

Fiernando also said that until now his party had not received reports from victims. However, his party is still conducting an investigation and examining the CCTV at the scene.

From the results of the witness' examination, the motorcycle gang went around randomly to the Ciputat area, South Tangerang.

"So they are just going around in groups, (the police report) has not existed so far. The victim also has not reported to the Pamulang Police. We are still investigating the perpetrators," he said

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