
JAKARTA - Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Anwar Usman invites all parties to increase commitment, synergy, and cooperation in order to realize a constitutional civilization that is stronger and more meaningful for Indonesia.

The invitation was conveyed by Anwar Usman at the Special Plenary Session with the agenda of the 20th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Thursday, August 10.

"Hopefully our steps and efforts will always be guided and guided by Allah SWT, the Almighty God, in realizing Indonesia to become a prosperous, just and prosperous country," said Anwar.

He said the constitution as a basic law must be obeyed and implemented by all elements of the state. Compliance with the constitution, said Anwar, is a form of commitment and respect for the basic law.

"Approachment to the constitution will damage the state itself. In fact, the order of state life can be damaged and create divisions that can lead to the collapse of a nation's civilization," he said.

He said the 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court was a reflection of the two decades of the existence of the Constitutional Court in the Indonesian state system. The Constitutional Court was officially formed on August 13, 2003, in line with the passing of Law Number 24 of 2003 concerning the Constitutional Court.

In the past two decades, said Anwar, the Constitutional Court has contributed and played an important role in the global arena, although the Indonesian Constitutional Court is relatively young compared to similar institutions in other countries.

He said the Constitutional Court played an important role as one of the initiators of the formation of several regional and international organizations as a forum for cooperation among constitutional institutions, as well as hosting various international events for MK institutions in the world.

Among them are the formation of The Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC), Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of the Islamic World (CCJ-I), the holding of World Conference on Constitutional Justice activities at the end of last year, and International Call for Paper," he detailed.

In addition, the Constitutional Court of Indonesia is a connecting force for the Constitutional Court of Asia and Africa in promoting the importance of enforcing the constitution, law and democracy in the midst of increasingly complex global challenges.

"In fact, in building cooperation with various Constitutional Courts in the world, the Constitutional Court of Indonesia has provided technical assistance to the Constitutional Court of friendly countries regarding the implementation of judicial administration," said Anwar.

In addition to wingpacking in the international arena, the Constitutional Court has completed 3,512 decisions in a span of 20 years.

The details are 29 State Institutional Authority Disputes (SKLN); 676 Decisions on Election Result Dispute (PHPU); 1,136 Decisions on Dispute Cases of Regional Head Election Results (PHPKADA); and 1,671 Decisions on Law Testing Cases (PUU).

The special plenary session was attended by a number of important Indonesian figures, including the Chairman of the MPR Bambang Soesatyo, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Muhammad Syarifuddin, and Chairman of the Judicial Commission (KY) Amzulian Rifai, Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD, and National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

Also present were ambassadors of friendly countries and representatives of the Algerian, Angola, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Namibia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, and Azerbaijan.

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