Sukabumi City Police conducted an investigation to uncover a brawl between students that killed a student who attended a private vocational school in Sukabumi City, West Java in the early hours of Wednesday (9/8).
"To reveal the death of AR (18) during a brawl between students from two private vocational schools in Sukabumi City in Jatimekar Village, Sirnaresmi Village, Gunungguruh District, Sukabumi Regency, we have examined a number of witnesses ranging from families and fellow victims to residents who were at the scene," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 9.
According to witness testimony, victim AR on Tuesday, (8/8) at 23.00 WIB was still at his house playing on his cellphone.
However, at around 00.30 WIB on Wednesday, (9/8) the victim suddenly left the house and was picked up by several of his colleagues.
However, at 02.15 WIB, the family received information that AR was rushed to the Al-Mulk Hospital in Sukabumi City and 15 minutes later this student was declared dead.
It is suspected that while at his house the victim had made an appointment with his colleagues to plan a brawl with other vocational students.
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During the brawl, it was suspected that the victim was hit by a sharp weapon at the base of the left thigh which resulted in severe bleeding. After the victim collapsed, all the students involved in the brawl fled AR alone.
Residents who saw the incident immediately took the victim to the Al-Mulk Hospital in Sukabumi City for treatment, but unfortunately his life could not be saved.
According to Ari, from the results of the examination of a number of witnesses, before the brawl occurred, the victim had made an appointment to join the brawl with his colleagues.
"We are still investigating this case and for witnesses who have asked for information from the family as many as two people, three people from the community and four friends from the victim. Please pray and support from the community so that we can immediately reveal this incident," he added.
The investigation into alleged cases of inter-student brawls will be processed professionally and take firm action against anyone involved and all forms of criminal acts that occur in the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi City Police are confirmed to be legally processed.
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