
TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono emphasized the action of TNI personnel from Kodam I/Bukit Barisan who visited the Medan North Sumatra Police Station to ask for a suspension of the detention of one of the suspects who did not represent the institution.

Yudo ordered his staff at Kodam I/Bukit Barisan, especially the local military police commander (danpom) to examine his middle officers who visited the Medan Polrestabes.

"Yes, yesterday I ordered the TNI Commander to immediately check it, I have ordered it later, we will check those who did it, what was it called, yesterday we will check what the problem was. Maybe, yesterday it was as initial evidence that they did that," said the TNI Commander in response to reporters' questions during a press conference after the ceremony to embed the Brevet Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) to him in Jakarta, Monday, August 7.

He said the TNI personnel who visited the Medan Polrestabes were individuals.

"It's an individual, not an institution name, including not on behalf of the Military Commander (Panglima of the Military Region I/Bukit Barisan), not on behalf of the Kodam institution, but the Kumdam unit (Kodam Law). So, yesterday I ordered the Pangdam to immediately check, and the TNI Danpuspom was also to back up to check, "said Admiral Yudo as quoted by ANTARA.

Therefore, he asked all TNI soldiers to use the TNI Commander's daily order as a guideline in their attitude. "There is that, you know. There has been such an emphasis," said Yudo.

He also considered that the attitude of his soldiers at the Medan Polrestabes was unethical. "I think it is unethical for TNI soldiers to be like that," said the TNI Commander.

He added that the TNI took firm action against its soldiers when they violated the rules. "So there are things like that, we immediately, there is no impunity (legal immunity, ed.), there is no cover-up, nothing. I have said, we are firm if there are soldiers who commit violations," said Yudo Margono.

Previously, a middle-ranking TNI officer who is a member of Kodam I/Bukit Barisan, Major Dedi Hasibuan along with several other TNI soldiers came to the Medan Polrestabes Headquarters, last Saturday to ask for a suspension of detention of a suspect with the initials ARH.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol Hadi Wahyudi, explained that the arrival was aimed at coordination. "Yes, that's right, he was present at the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Polrestabes to coordinate the request for a suspension of detention, one of the ARH suspects, is the family of Major Dedi Hasibuan," Hadi said in his official broadcast, last Sunday.

He said the arrival was a normal event. "We are a solid TNI and Polri, everything is always well coordinated. That the task of the Police is to serve all parties," he said.

The arrival of Major Dedi, whose recordings can be found in several local media and national media, has been in the spotlight of several parties, including the Chairman of Commission I of the DPR RI and the Civil Society Coalition.

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