
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Villages for Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) revealed that it will launch the 2023 Nusantara Tourism Village Competition in Pariaman City, West Sumatra on August 11, 2023.

"God willing, this tourist village competition will be launched in Apar Village, North Pariaman District by the Minister of Villages for Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar," said Director of Facilities and Infrastructure Development at the Ministry of Villages and Villages, PDTT Nursaid, quoted by Antara in Padang, Sunday.

This was conveyed by Nursaid when opening the Youth Conference National Expedition activity which carried the theme "cultural collaboration in expeditions for nagari in hidden heaven" organized by Andalas University.

To make the tourism village competition a success and enliven, the Kemendes PDTT will involve a number of related ministries and institutions. Then, students in the country are also asked to play an active role in helping to spread it, including campaigning for it to the village or nagari community.

"We hope that fellow students will be part of the Kemendes PDTT, especially campaigning for the importance of a sustainable Nusantara Tourism Village," he said.

According to him, students scattered from various regions have an important role to play in socializing and providing understanding to village heads, or village officials to participate.

"When students return to their place (the village) can socialize this, especially villages that have tourism potential," he said.

However, he continued, there is one condition that must be met, namely that the proposed tourist village must be managed by a village-owned enterprise (bumdes) or a jointly owned business entity.

As a form of appreciation and appreciation from the government, especially the Kemendes PDTT, the activity committee prepares a prize of Rp. 1 billion which will be submitted at the peak of the activity, namely November 2023.

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