For The Sake Of Entertainment And History Education, Daop 8 Surabaya-IRPS Presents The Largest Locomotive Miniature In Indonesia
Visitors saw a miniature of the DD52 series steam locomotive that achieved a MURI record at Gubeng Station Surabaya, Friday (4/8/2023). (Doc. ANTARA/Dik Suhartono)


SURABAYA - In order to socialize the history of railways, PT KAI Operational Region (Daop) 8 Surabaya together with the rail lover community, the Indonesia Railway Preservation Society (IRPS) presents the largest miniature of the DD52 series steam locomotive in Indonesia.

"Miniatur yang tercatat dalam rekor MURI dengan teknologi print tiga dimensional ini akan hadir mulai tanggal 4 hingga 31 Agustus 2023, tepatnya di ruang tunggu pelanggan di Stasiun Surabaya Gubeng," ucap Manager Humas KAI Daop 8 Surabaya, Luqman Arif dalam keterangannya di Surabaya, Sabtu.

Luqman explained that the presence of the exhibition is expected to be a means of entertainment and historical education for train passengers, as well as a means of socializing with residents, especially customers.

"The mandatory locomotive is the result of KAI's collaboration with Indonesia IRPS and Tridi Zaiku Indonesia (3D Zaiku), which uses three-dimensional prints with a scale size of one to four," he said.

In addition, he continued, from the results of drawing the model for four months, it came out of a three-dimensional print which resulted in 1,996 components which were then assembled, resulting in a complete vapor locomotive.

"In detail, the miniature size of the DD52 steam locomotive has dimensions of 580 centimeters long, 68 centimeters wide, and 90 centimeters high, and a total weight of 200 kilograms," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, August 5.

Therefore, he continued, his party would like to thank all parties involved from making to winning MURI records and holding the largest miniature locomotive exhibition and not to forget to train customers as well.

"KAI is open to synergizing with various parties in providing benefits and improving services to customers. This is an effort to educate the history of railways in Indonesia to the public," said Luqman.

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